Thank you to RIP DAGGER'S DOJO for providing me with some cool covers to BRAZILIAN editions of Charlton comics' HERCULES. As RIP states in his own post on his own blog...seeing material you love and collect in another format from some place else gives it that fresh new and exciting feel all over again. One of the 1 million reasons why I love HERCULES and the legend surrounding him. !!!
Recently in the pages of the incredible HULK and the HERCULES spin off of the HULK in the pages of the HULK...Marvel reused the iconic image of a cover made famous by JIM STERANKO....clearly you can see the 3 images together and then The Radical publishing image of a Reinterpretation of HERCULES by STERANKO. This guy has been at it for 50 years and has never even lost a bit of his talent. What a legend Jim Steranko is...what an Icon.
Well if HERCULES and Jerkules are gonna have some brews and share with each other the gift of combat...I'm down with it. This is a cool piece. I'd actually like a wall size poster of the thing.